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Showing posts from December, 2010

The TSA and Privacy Rights

As a valid holder of an I-194 waiver the least of my worries when conducting US travel is whether, or not I want the low-tech fondling or high-tech pornography screening now available in most US airports. Either seems petty compared to the indignity of being shifted through secondary screening. That said, the Oklahoma Daily has a well-written editorial about the current state of airport security. Read the article, A nude awakening – TSA and privacy . The fundamentals of this column apply just as well in Canada (we have undertaken similar security screening measures) as they do in the US.


It's been a while since my last update. I've got less than a year on my current I-194 waiver (expires next November) and I'll be documenting my experience in obtaining a renewal. I plan to start the process again in late January (11 months should be more than enough time, right?) . Got Pardon? I don't . I'm still waiting on the pardon that I applied for through Pardons Canada back last March. I've not be on top of them to do so, but their lack of updates has not impressed me much. I can just hope that they are making good progress (note to self: follow up with Pardons Canada) . The main reason why I chose to go with them in the first place was so that I could free myself from the paperwork, bureaucracy, etc. To have to chase after them for updates washes that reason away just a little. Thanks to those who have been keeping the comments alive. I've seen some good discussions about wait times and other irregulaties. Don't forget you can always subscribe