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Recap - steps to getting your I-194 waiver

I thought it might be useful to briefly recap the steps needed to apply for the I-194 (advance permission to enter the United States) after being denied entry at the US border (you can read about when I was refused entry and my background here).
  1. Find your local fingerprint office (call to see if you need an appointment). Bring your passport and $25 CDN. See this previous post for details.
  2. Mail the C-216C form to the RCMP. Include a check for processing ($25 CDN). Refer to this post.
  3. Wait up to 2 months for a reply... When you receive your completed C-216C from the RCMP ensure it includes the fingerprint chart with a date stamp and the documentation related to your conviction and disposition. See this post about when I received mine.
  4. Complete a personal statement regarding your intended activities in the US.
  5. If you are inadmissible because of a criminal conviction you must also complete a statement explaining the circumstances of each arrest, conviction and the sentence or fine imposed. Additionally you should submit any evidence or explanation of your reform or rehabilitation such as counseling, current employment, marital status, community service, etc. Don't forget to sign and date your statements!
  6. Complete the I-192 application form (you can get it here).
  7. Fill out form G-325A (get it here).
  8. Call the US Border Protection office to see if you need an appointment (here are some phone numbers for various locations).
  9. Show up at the border protection office for your interview (bring $265 CDN). Don't forget to bring all of your documents! See this post for a checklist. And here is a post about what to expect at the interview.
  10. Wait many months or more for your reply (mine took 9 months but some people have been waiting for 18 months or more). Good luck!
I've had my waiver now for over 5 months. Feel free to comment if any of the above information has changed or is incorrect. Thanks.

UPDATE: This information is out of date. See this post:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi I unknowingly accepted unauthorized employment in my F2 status, assuming my Status change was happened to H1-B. Do I need to apply for Waiver?

  3. Hi There,
    I received a letter (i-272) approved I-212 the other day. All it mentioned was I need to present this letter each time I apply for addmission at a US port of entry. I have no criminal record, just got a removal order in my absence (I had already moved back to Canada before overstaying my visa but unfortunately I didn't inform USCIS) making long story short, judge bared me from entering US for 10 years. I am thinking of hiring a lawyer and appeal my case. But meanwhile my application I-212 waiver got approved . Now my question is : Do u know how long it good for? and if I want to cross the border do I need any other documents?
    Thanx alot!

  4. Thank you for sharing. Am sharing my experience.Find your local fingerprint office (call to see if you need an appointment). Bring your passport and $25 CDN. Mail the C-216C form to the RCMP. Include a check for processing ($25 CDN).Wait up to 2 months for a reply... When you receive your completed C-216C from the RCMP ensure it includes the fingerprint chart with a date stamp and the documentation related to your conviction and disposition.Complete a personal statement regarding your intended activities in the US.If you are inadmissible because of a criminal conviction you must also complete a statement explaining the circumstances of each arrest, conviction and the sentence or fine imposed. Additionally you should submit any evidence or explanation of your reform or rehabilitation such as counseling, current employment, marital status, community service, etc. Don't forget to sign and date your statements! Complete the I-192 application form.Fill out form G-325A. Call the US Border Protection office to see if you need an appointment. Show up at the border protection office for your interview (bring $265 CDN). Don't forget to bring all of your documents!

  5. When I applied for my first waiver in 2008, after getting all the pertinent documentation and application fees ($545USD) I had my waiver in my hand almost 90 days from the time I submitted it at the CBP office at the YEG Airport. The first was valid for 1 year. I have recently applied for my second one and currently waiting on it.

  6. Does anyone know where, at Pearson International airport, to get the application for the US Waiver?
    Thanks in advance;

  7. Just got my first waiver of inadmissability and it took approx. 5 months - it is for a period of one year.

  8. Wow, I let my waiver expire and now wondering do I need to go through the whole process all over again. It expired in March 0f 2009.Do you have any idea what I might have to do ?

  9. Thanks for providing us information that we really for getting this 1-194 waiver. Good thing to know that there are people who care for other by sharing their insights about this steps for getting 1-194 waiver.

    US Waiver For Canadians

  10. hello, i'd like to know how long it takes for a waiver of inegibility to be processed and how do we know it' s ok.
    i applied at the french consulate in paris and actually didn't fill out any form. they interviewed me , said they were going to submit a favorable decision and it would take 4 to 6 months.
    what i'd like to know is , do i wait for the waiver to come by mail ( is it an actual piece of paper?) or is it processed automatically and i try again to enter my passport number on the esta webpage after 6 months .
    thank you very much


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